About Alumni Cruises
We love to show people to the world. But any cruise can do that. We started Alumni Cruises because we know that often a trip is only as enjoyable as the people you bring with you.
The Alumni Cruise experience offers an opportunity for people that share a common bond - their alma mater - to take a break from their busy day-to-day and create fresh memories together.
Our cruises are custom-tailored down to the last detail and catered to each individual group that books with us.

Meet Herb Lobdell
After leaving corporate aviation and flight instructing, Herb got into the cruise travel industry in 1992. He opened his own cruise travel business with his wife, Marion, in 1996.
Herb is now the owner of the Cruise Center of Florida LLC with an emphasis on College Alumni travel.
He has been on 59 cruises and has been to Europe 25 trips.
Two years ago he even completed an around-the-world cruise, and would love to plan one for you!
If anyone can help plan the trip of your dreams, it's Herb and Alumni Cruises.

Travel In Style
At Alumni Cruises, we believe in a first-class experience for every guest. No bottom-of-the-boat bookings for our guests.
With over 20 years in the travel business, we have excellent relationships with cruise lines that travel from the tropical beaches of the Bahamas and Carribian to the historic shores of the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea. This allows us to find, book, and customize the very best combination of ship, destination, activities, and amenities for your unique group.

Celebrate Your History,
and Your Future
Your college experience becomes a part of you. It is the season of life that helps you become an adult, that informs your first career choices, and launches you into your future.
What are all those other folks from your school doing now?
Why not catch up, share memories, and celebrate how far you've come together. And have to re-connection in a beautiful, scenic corner of the world along with your family and friends.